In an effort to aid students in their pathway to declaring a major, we have listed all current Student Success Centers and their respective information regarding declaring a prospective major within a specific college. Change of Major one. Facebook Twitter. Also, you are allowed to apply twice for a major. No, attendance is optional, and is not a requirement to apply.
You can also preview the Change of Major Workshop content. PLEASE NOTE: Some students may be required to attend a change of major workshop and provide an academic plan as part of their mandatory advising requirements within their specific department.
Students with 60 or below earned units at the time of applying to change their major can generally follow the plan below. Access the complete Change of Major Transition Plan. The application process depends on the number of earned units you have If you don't know how many earned units you have, check your transfer credit report.
Depending on your advisor, you might be required to have an ESSC advisor sign this form in order to get an advising hold removed. Please follow guidelines on our First-semester student change of major page. If you are transitioning out of Engineering , you need to get advising from the success center housed in the major you want.
THEN, email success-engineering sjsu. We will check Spartan Connect to verify your meeting with an advisor and remove your Major Advising hold. If you received any email correspondance with the advisor, please forward that as proof of advising. Engineering Student Success Center. Change of Major To change your major, you must apply and be accepted in the department where the major resides e. Start here Below are the possible Change of Major objectives.
If you are looking to change your major, make an appointment with one of our advisors so we can help you determine what you need to do to get into your desired major.
To schedule a change of major appointment:. Change of Major Newly Admitted Students Unfortunately, newly admitted students cannot change their major prior to or during orientation, and must first earn an SJSU GPA during their first semester before being considered for the change of major request.