San diego housing commission minutes

If you currently receive a housing voucher from the Housing Authority of the County of San Diego and you want to move port-out to another area, you will need to contact the housing authority for the area where you want to live. This link may help you find their contact information: Portal. If you are receiving rental assistance and ask to move to another jurisdiction, your case will be transferred to the agency responsible for your new location.

Agendas and Actions for Environment Committee. Environment Committee Work Plan. Land Use and Housing Committee. Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee. The Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee's area of responsibility includes police, fire, neighborhood parks, recreation programs, youth services, senior services, maintenance assessment districts, community development block grants, code enforcement, graffiti abatement, lifeguards, veteran's services, libraries, homeless services, consumer protection, homeland security, volunteerism, special event permits, emergency medical services, gang prevention and intervention and citizens review board on police practices.

Rules Committee. The Rules Committee's area of responsibility includes the charter, permanent rules of council, open government, elections and ballot measures, annexations, boards and commissions, council initiated matters, communications, customer service and public outreach. Agendas and Actions for Rules Committee. Rules Committee Work Plan. Select Committee on Homelessness.

Public Facilities Financing Authority. The Authority meets as needed to authorize the issuance of bonds on behalf of the City. Housing Commission. The Housing Commission meets one or two Fridays per month at 9 a. For specific dates, contact Debbie Levenson-Cruz at As of Jan. Charter Review Committee. You have successfully verified your account, please continue signing in. Issue sending email! Feature Unavailable Your account type does not allow for a Social Connection sign in.

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Please scroll down to view video recordings for prior PC Hearings. Please provide your email address here to receive item updates. This translation feature is offered as an additional resource for information. Discretionary Permit Cost Guide. Menu Search. Planning Commission Hearings.


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