You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Building Permits. Historic Permits Prior to Plumbing Permits. Mechanical Permits. Electrical Permits. For more information, read Information Bulletin Customers can request or search for copies of prior permit records, plans, land use and mapping information in the following ways:. Conduct your own research for permits and applications associated with any City of San Diego address.
All other property records can be obtained in person or by submitting an online request below. Not all property records may be available through online requests, as record procedures and legal requirements have changed over the years. For records other than building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permits, you must make your request in person. The City of San Diego processes requests for deviations to California Building Standards Codes with alternate materials, design or construction methods or code modifications.
Learn about submitting for a building permit by reviewing the Guide to Project Submittal Process, Section 1. Most historic reviews will be required to submit a photographic survey and a building record from the Offices of the County Assessor, Recorder and Tax Collector.
Learn more about requesting the building records. The following processing opportunities are provided to allow for quicker processing for eligible projects. Plan review, development impact fees, water and sewer, school and inspection fees vary based on the type of building construction project.
Please review Information Bulletin for more information. Inspections are required for all building construction projects and occur during different phases of construction. Compliant Outdoor Expansion. For modifications to buildings 45 years or older, submit a photographic survey and copy of the building record from the County Assessor. Not following the requirements for the file uploads will delay project review and approval. Apply for the permit. Information Bulletins. Skip to main content.
Development Services.