Our recommendations on the Nov. Categories : Missouri ballot measures State ballots, State Ballot Measure, November 8, Defeated, Defeated, November 8, Tobacco, Missouri Tobacco, Certified, tobacco, Taxes, Missouri Taxes, Certified, taxes, Missouri ballot measures, certified Initiated statute certified for the ballot Ballot measure article with polls. Hidden category: Pages with reference errors. Voter information What's on my ballot? Where do I vote? How do I register to vote? How do I request a ballot?
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How do I update a page? Election results. Privacy policy About Ballotpedia Disclaimers Login. Election date November 8, Topic Tobacco and Taxes. Status d Defeated. Type State statute. Origin Citizens. November 8. Amendment 1 a. Amendment 2 a. Amendment 3 d. Amendment 4 a. Amendment 6 a. Proposition A d. A "yes" vote supported this proposal to increase taxes on cigarettes by 23 cents per pack by and to add an additional 5 percent sales tax for other tobacco products. Proposition E is a new operating tax levy that is currently on the April 6 ballot.
If approved, this tax levy would help provide additional funding to the Riverview Gardens School District. If passed, this proposition has the potential to help the district equalize resources across the schools, educate students to achieve their maximum potential and equip students with the skills needed to become lifelong learners.
Through the passage of Proposition E, I believe the district will be able to achieve a number of important goals. A " no " vote opposed using an approval voting system for primary elections, thereby maintaining the existing plurality voting system. The assessed value of property is a percentage of actual or market value. A "yes" vote supported authorizing a 7.
A "no" vote opposed this measure to authorize a 7. Louis City Equipment Bond Issue a. Louis Public Safety Sales Tax a. Louis City Charter Amendment November NorthSide Redevelopment Referendum February What's on my ballot?
Elections in How to vote How to run for office Ballot measures. Who represents me? Jay Nixon , a Democrat, vetoed the bill. Todd Richardson R , the speaker of the House, and Sen. Ron Richard R , the Senate president pro tempore, said passing right-to-work legislation would be prioritized in Eighteen of Republicans and 53 of 55 Democrats voted against SB Greitens signed the bill into law. Proposition A was the third veto referendum on right-to-work to appear on the ballot in the United States.
Electors in Arizona and Idaho voted to uphold their states' right-to-work laws. With the defeat of Proposition A, Missouri became the first state to repeal a right-to-work law through a ballot measure.
Who was behind the campaigns surrounding the ballot initiative? Does the outcome of Proposition A affect the future of right-to-work in the U. Are we going to let that happen? Rick Brattin R , a right-to-work supporter, also described the referendum as ground zero for labor unions. He said the issue "is going to be the ground zero for every labor organization in the United States to try to turn the tide back into their favor because of all these states starting to adopt right to work.
Joseph News-Press wrote that unions "have reason to be concerned about their declining influence nationally and where their movement is headed. But this was true before Proposition A was placed on the Aug. Did the August 7 election date affect turnout in August or November? Proposition A was slated to appear on the ballot for the election on November 6, —the default date for initiated measures.
The legislature voted, along partisan lines, to move the election to August 7. Legislative Republicans supported the earlier election, and Democrats opposed the change.
Holly Rehder R , who sponsored the date change, said Proposition A needed to be decided sooner because "a great deal of business investment has been frozen during this fight. Doug Beck D criticized the change, arguing, "[Republicans] are terrified voter rejection of right-to-work will cause collateral damage to Republican legislative candidates" in the general election. Kevin Engler R responded, claiming that Democrats wanted the referendum on the general election ballot to help U.
Claire McCaskill's D re-election bid. Driving a lot of people who oppose right-to-work to the polls in August will have them primed to show up in November. The official ballot title was as follows: [31].
Do the people of the state of Missouri want to adopt Senate Bill 19 "Right-to-Work" as passed by the general assembly in , which prohibits as a condition of employment the forced membership in a labor organization union or forced payments of dues in full or pro-rata fair-share ; make any activity which violates employees' rights illegal and ineffective; allow legal remedies for anyone injured as a result of another person violating or threatening to violate employees' rights; and which shall not apply to union agreements entered into before the effective date of Senate Bill 19?
State and local government entities expect no costs or savings. The fair ballot language was as follows: [31]. If adopted, Senate Bill 19 will amend Missouri law to prohibit, as a condition of employment, forced membership in a labor organization union or forced payments of dues or fees, in full or pro-rata "fair-share" , to a union.
Senate Bill 19 will also make any activity which violates employees' rights provided by the bill illegal and ineffective and allow legal remedies for anyone injured as a result of another person violating or threatening to violate those employees' rights. Senate Bill 19 will not apply to union agreements entered into before the effective date of Senate Bill 19, unless those agreements are amended or renewed after the effective date of Senate Bill If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.
The full text of Senate Bill 19 was as follows: [4]. Any agreement, understanding, or practice, written or oral, implied or expressed, between any labor organization and employer that violates the rights of employees as guaranteed under this section is unlawful, null and void, and of no legal effect. Any person who violates or directs another to violate any provision of this section shall be guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
Such remedies shall be independent of and in addition to the other penalties and remedies prescribed under this section. The prosecuting attorney or circuit attorney with jurisdiction over the location where a violation or threatened violation of this section occurs or the attorney general of this state shall investigate complaints of violation or threatened violation of this section, prosecute any person violating this section, and use all means at their command to ensure the effective enforcement of this section.
The word count for the ballot title is , and the estimated reading time is 28 seconds. The word count for the ballot summary is , and the estimated reading time is 41 seconds. In , for the statewide measures on the ballot, the average ballot title or question was written at a level appropriate for those with between 19 and 20 years of U.
Read Ballotpedia's entire ballot language readability report here. During the year period from to , political scientists Shauna Reilly and Sean Richey found that average Missouri ballot title score was equivalent to 19 years of U.
Missourians for Worker Freedom , a committee campainging for a "Yes" vote on Proposition A, made the following arguments: [33]. Missouri's Right to Work law not only empowers the individual worker. It also creates jobs, grows wages, and attracts business to the state. In February , the governor and state legislators delivered and Missouri became the 28th Right to Work state. Today, union bosses and their liberal allies are working to forge a smear campaign against Right to Work, hoping their dirty tricks can stop it.
Missourians for Worker Freedom opposes these efforts and stands with Right to Work and the Missouri worker. Bob Onder R-2 , a proponent of the right-to-work law, said: [42]. If unions want more members, they should work to earn members and make workers want to belong by better representing their people and showing the value of union representation, not forcing union membership on workers.
Instead of spending money on politics, unions might use these resources to make pension plans more solvent and provide services that benefit their members, not the politicians.
If workers are given a choice to join a union, it will make union bosses more accountable to their members and give workers the freedom to decide for themselves if they want to join a union or not.
Louis Post-Dispatch that said: [43]. Prop A prohibits workers from being forced to join a union and have fees automatically withdrawn from their paychecks. When workers have a choice to join, it makes union executives more accountable to workers who choose union membership. Passing Prop A would lead to higher wages for Missouri workers. According to data from the U. The Bureau of Economic Analysis has proved that "freedom to work" states have seen more job growth and more state GDP growth.
Missouri is nearly surrounded by "freedom to work" states, and while those bordering states are benefiting, Missouri is missing out. They tell me their communities are losing jobs as they watch factories and businesses move to states that actually protect worker freedom. Missouri deserves better. We Are Missouri was the committee that collected signatures to get the right-to-work statute placed on the ballot as Proposition A.
Opponents of right-to-work referred to the law as right-to-work for less. We Are Missouri , the campaign that sponsored the referendum drive, made the following arguments: [60]. The Economic Policy Institute EPI , a c 3 think tank that is opposed to right-to-work laws, released a report on right-to-work in response to Proposition A. The following is an excerpt from the report's introduction: [61]. Despite the name, right-to-work laws do not confer any sort of right to a job.
Rather, they dilute union bargaining strength by making it harder for unions to sustain themselves financially. Some supporters of RTW laws falsely claim that these laws ensure that no one is forced to be a member of a union or pay to advocate political causes they do not support. But those things are already illegal under federal law. What RTW laws do is make it illegal for a group of unionized workers to negotiate a contract that requires each employee who enjoys the benefit of the contract to pay his or her share of the costs of negotiating and overseeing it.
In other words, RTW laws prevent unions from requiring that workers who benefit from union representation pay their fair share of that representation. There were four campaign committees —Missourians for Worker Freedom, Missourians for Freedom to Work, Freedom to Work, and Liberty Alliance—registered in support of a "yes" vote uphold the law on the veto referendum.
The top contributor to the vote "yes" committees was A New Missouri , a c 4 nonprofit affiliated with former Gov. There was one campaign committee , We Are Missouri, registered in support of a "no" vote overturn the law on the veto referendum proposal. The contribution and expenditure totals for the committee advocating for a "yes" vote on the referendum: [13]. The following were the top five donors who contributed to the committees advocating for a "yes" vote: [13].
The contribution and expenditure totals for the committee advocating for a "no" vote on the referendum: [13]. The following were the top five donors who contributed to We Are Missouri: [13].
To read Ballotpedia's methodology for covering ballot measure campaign finance information, click here. As of August , 27 states had right-to-work laws in place. The majority of right-to-work laws were passed by states between and , although some were passed after Missouri would have been the 28th state if right-to-work was enacted.