We want to thank Fred for his support over the past two years as Vice President in and while he was in office as President in The benefits from our sponsor and subsidized club events far out way the cost of membership.
Club Sponsor. All Rights Reserved. Log in. Club Charities. Distinguished RCC Presidents. Contact Us. Social Events Upcoming Events. Cruise Nights. Photo Gallery. Want Ads. Club Store. The September membership meeting has an early start time to allow us to meet outside Due to COVID restrictions, the church will only allow 45 people inside to meet And with sunset at 7 pm, an early start is necessary Rather than continue waiting until the week before the meeting to find out if the Church has changed its policy on indoor meetings, we are looking for a new venue for October and November.
RCC Newsletter. American Cancer Society. American Diabetes Foundation. Fisher House. The J. The Club holds its monthly general membership meetings at the dealership's facility at Central Park Avenue. Click here for further information. Please visit Curry's website for all your Chevrolet needs. Please visit our Shows page for further information and details on all our Club shows. To be added to our Shows Mailing List in order to receive important updates on all future club shows, please click here.
If you own a Vette and want to share your passion, come join us for a meeting, cruise or show! Box 57 Armonk, NY