It seems ADI is keeping this quiet Or you could I dunno maybe check the ADI website and list all the branches by state, since that site isn't listed I doubt ADI is keeping anything quiet. I posted all the systems depot branches. I will compile a full ADI branch listing in a couple of days. They don't keep it quiet from the branches' customers. They are always told where the nearest alternate branch is. They don't publicize the entire list nationally, but that's really irrelevant to any particular dealer.
The only thing that matters to me, for example, is that my local branch is staying open. I couldn't care less if the Staten Island branch closes. Now, if the Atlanta office closes, that would matter to me. Irwindale Ave. Box , Old Country Rd. I should think dealers in a particular area would know their local ADI location is closed. Canada Puerto Rico. Are you already an ADI customer?
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